

I was one of several thousand family members and friends who attended the commencement exercises of the College of Letters and Science at UCLA on June 12.

I was doubly proud to be an observer because I had attended my son’s class of 1963 graduation here, and now my grandson’s, 25 years later. But I regret to say the preeminence of this occasion was diminished by the delinquent behavior of a considerable number of the graduates seated in Drake Stadium.

For some incomprehensive reason, several beach balls appeared and while speeches were being delivered--not the least of which, the commencement address--the balls were haphazardly driven through the air among the massed students.


It was a distraction and an embarrassment for many attending.

I salute the majority who received their degrees, but to the beach-ball freaks I say grow up, mature, there is still time.


Los Angeles
