

I am writing in response to a letter that appeared May 19. Ted Mackie wrote how he “ . . . Turned on the sprinklers, hosed down the driveway and washed the car . . . “ after he read an article on the water shortage in California.

Mackie explained how conserving water will only serve to bring on a declaration from City Hall that the crisis is over, and mass construction can begin again. I agree with Mackie that mass construction contributes to the problems we are facing. However, wasting water haphazardly, as he claims to do, only serves to exacerbate the situation.

Mackie asks in his letter how anyone who loves Southern California could do anything except use water in the same manner as he does.


But the situation is quite to the contrary; how could anyone who loves Southern California be so careless as to drain what little resources (water) it has.


San Diego
