
Dealing With Amnesty Law

Now that the most generous amnesty program in world history has come to an end, one would expect to hear less about this subject. But predictably that is not to be the case as can be seen by the column by Rodolfo O. de la Garza (Op-Ed Page, May 8).

De la Garza points out correctly that the problem of illegal aliens in this country has not been solved by the amnesty program, but he then goes on to offer an absurd solution. He states that there are still 2 million illegal aliens in the country and more coming all the time. Therefore, he says, the answer to illegal aliens is to increase immigration quotas and eliminate the backlog from countries such as Mexico. How does that solve the problem? We will never eliminate the backlog of people trying to get into this country as long as poverty exists in other parts of the world. And why give preference to Mexico?

Are we really obligated to solve the poverty of the 5 billion people in the world by trying to stuff them all into this country? What about the poor who are already here and whose jobs and possibilities for economic advancement are being taken away by the cheap labor that keeps coming in?



