
Bush and Dukakis Pals Set Benefits

Vice President and obvious GOP presidential nominee George Bush has met the $27.6-million fund-raising limit permitted by federal law for presidential primaries--so, while Bush is here campaigning for the June 7 primary, his California supporters are getting ready to raise money for the general election.

By law, the money for the fall presidential campaigns comes from the federal government, but the Republican and the Democratic national committees are each permitted to raise $8.3 million to assist their nominees.

Long-time Bush friend Jerry Weintraub will turn over his Beverly Hills home June 5 to the effort, and his co-hosts for a fund-raising dinner will include Irvine Corp.’s Donald Bren, Karl Samuelian (Gov. George Deukmejian’s No. 1 fund-raiser), Margaret Brock (Mrs. Republican herself) and developer David Murdock, insiders say. Guests will each write checks for $1,000 made out to the Presidential Trust.


Another big assist for the dinner will be the appearance of Weintraub’s neighbor, Frank Sinatra, to do a few numbers.

Weintraub’s summer home in Kennebunkport, Me., makes him and his wife, Jane, neighbors of George and Barbara Bush, and he has certainly qualified himself for a kitchen cabinet title in a Bush Administration. Other names that will become familiar are Houston oil man Bob Mossbacher and former U.S. Senator from New Jersey Nick Brady.

On the Democratic side, Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis has a couple of million dollars left to raise, his supporters said, before he hits the limit for the primaries (not the usual way-behind Democratic style). He will get a big boost from a supper on Friday at Ted and Susie Field’s Greenacres estate.


UPCOMING--A “Night Under the Stars” Saturday at the Century Plaza benefits the Muscular Dystrophy Assn.’s new Jerry Lewis ALI Clinical and Research Center at the USC Neuromuscular Center at the Hospital of the Good Samaritan. Pia Zadora will entertain, and, in a new benefit twist, “each guest will have the opportunity to become the winner and proud owner of a full deeded time-share estate at the Pono Kai Resort, Kauai.” . . .

Warner Bros. Records and Magic Apple Catering co-sponsor the 155th annual exhibit of works by artists from the Exceptional Children’s Foundation on May 17. More than 600 original works will be on display at the Warner Bros. Records building in Burbank. . . .

We thought it was a typo. But Donna Kamin and Lynn Zinman, who are doing a benefit for the Chaim Sheba Medical Center Tuesday night, are also chairing the May 19 celebration of Israel’s 40th birthday at the Golda Meir Club’s annual spring luncheon. The club, the pacesetter group of the L.A. Women’s Division of Israel Bonds, will honor its executive chair, Rita Sinder. The guest speaker will be Ida Nudel, the “guardian angel” of the Soviet refuseniks. . . .


Women in Film presents its 12th annual series of Crystal Awards June 3 at the Century Plaza. Picking up the prizes at this year’s luncheon will be Loretta Young, Lee Grant and Suzanne de Passe. Named recipients of the Norma Zarky Humanitarian Award this year are Henry and Stacey Winkler. . . .

The Mark Taper’s Gordon Davidson receives the Burning Bush Award from the University Women of the University of Judaism at its annual Arthor/Artist Luncheon June 7 at the Beverly Hilton.
