
Children’s Day--2 of ‘Em--at Little Tokyo

Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo celebrates Kodomo-no-hi--Children’s Day--today and Sunday with races, martial arts demonstrations, arts and crafts workshops, magic, a carnival and much more. Children’s Day is a sort of hybrid holiday, derived from the individual Boys’ Day and Girls’ Day that are traditional holidays in Japan. Because they are months apart, the days have been combined.

Today’s events begin at 11 a.m. at Little Tokyo Square, 3rd and Alameda streets, with a magic show,a Japanese dance and roving clowns. At 1 p.m. at Japanese Village Plaza, 327 E. 2nd St., special performances for kids will include more Japanese dance and karate, judo and aikido demonstrations.

The big event is the Chibi K: Kids for Kids Fun Run on Sunday morning. Kids ages 4 to 12 can sign up for the K, 1/2K and 1K runs. Entrance fee is $8, plus a donation of a new toy. Warm-up begins at 8 a.m. at the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center, 244 S. San Pedro St., with races beginning at 9. Pre-registration is required. Information: (213) 628-2725.


A full day of other activities is planned at the center: taiko drumming, dance, arts and crafts booths, educational displays and food booths. Also on Sunday there will be a carnival at Little Tokyo Square with games, rides, candy making, children’s calligraphy demonstrations and a magic show. All the shops and restaurants in Little Tokyo will be open during the celebration. Information: (213) 620-8861.
