
There’s No Need to Overmedicate as the Cold Season Continues

Associated Press

The season for colds and runny noses continues well into spring, says University of Rochester pharmacologist Dr. Michael Weintraub, who offers suggestions about over-the-counter cold remedies.

“Most all-purpose mixtures contain a nasal decongestant, an antihistamine, an analgesic (pain reliever), alcohol and a flavoring agent,” says Weintraub, who warns not to use a mixture and aspirin.

“Most mixtures already contain a pain reliever and you don’t want to take more than necessary,” he says.


He adds that medicines should match symptoms. “If all you have are a runny nose and itchy eyes, work with your local pharmacist to find a mixture that contains only a nasal decongestant and an antihistamine. There’s just no valid reason to overmedicate yourself.”
