
Pace of Growth in Orange County

I just finished reading “Population Cap Keeps Sprawl From Boulder” (April 11). Why in heaven didn’t we have the guts to put a population cap on Orange County 10 to 15 years ago?

We have to stop operating in a crisis response mode. When it’s really too late, we come up with a slow-growth initiative. We should have learned from the neighboring county to the north. I remember that back in 1970, businesses started to relocate from Lord knows where into the Irvine Industrial Complex, and they wouldn’t stop.

Then a stream of people began moving here, and they haven’t stopped since. As long as developers keep building houses, people will be moving here ad infinitum, and businesses will be relocating where there’s a work force.


It seems like every immigrant group, as well as people from the other 49 states, is moving here. When will this stop? Boulder, Colo., should be congratulated.


