
George-Dees Fight Photos Put on Hot Seat

The 33% page space (Calendar, April 19) you afforded the photos of “Hot Seat” domo Wally George engaging in staged fisticuffs with KIIS-FM mega-personality Rick Dees was downright sinful. However, on second thought, small minds equal vapor-ridden areas.

Both of these men represent the best of Southern California entertainment. One, the conservative, patriotic mirror-image of Hitler operating from behind the Orange Curtain, the other, an equally conservative self-made radio personality, are birds of the same feather.

Their on-the-air mock battles are as loathsome and repugnant as the ideals they represent. The only saving grace about these two great entertainers is that they’re probably the best of friends in private life. Birds of a feather (like bigots of a feather) do indeed flock together.


Please, next time save us the pleasure of viewing these two in the comfort of our own homes, where abruptly changing the channel is much more satisfying than turning the page or trying to avert our eyes from a large photo spread.


