
Scrutinizing the Return to Churches

Ann Japenga’s article, “Dropping Back In” (March 27), on the increasing numbers of church-goers made many claims that are misleading and inaccurate.

The 10% rise in church attendance is a simple case of demographics caused by the population bulge of the baby boomers reaching childbearing age. Non-religious secular institutions as well are experiencing the same phenomenon, as the recent geometric increase in organizations such as American Atheists bears out.

Also untrue were Michael Medved’s statements that there are no atheists in foxholes or delivery rooms. Owing to the fact that there are more atheists in California than followers of Medved’s Jewish faith, this statement is clearly false. And my 18-month-old toddler is additional proof.


As for the old adage that there are “no atheists in foxholes,” if Medved would travel to the April 22-24 American Atheist convention in Minneapolis, he could meet a multitude of war veterans who have been there.


