
Controversy Over Meese

One of Reagan’s most endearing qualities is his fondness for good old days and good ol’ boys. Where else did his attorney general get free rein to make the Justice Department in the image of the Keystone Kops? And in a one-on-one encounter with, say, Barbara Walters, the performance of Ed “No Problems” Meese is nothing short of boffo.

Yet The Times reports on April 4, that “Meese Angers Senior Aides of President” for refusing to resign. Sour grapes, I say, from a bunch of anonymous nit-pickers! Their efforts to oust Administration asset-cum-embarrassment Noriega have been frustrating, to be sure. But an official who enjoys the President’s confidence deserves better than that. Moreover, as Meese selflessly observes, the interest of the Justice Department would not be well-served if he allowed himself to be hounded out of office.

Hang in there, Ed! You too, Ron!


