
Pace of Growth in the County

The good news is: There’s about two months until the election. The bad news is: the courts ruled to keep the slow-growth initiative on the ballot.

In your article (March 30) on the judge’s decision, Tom Rogers, a slow-growth leader, said that those behind the lawsuit were “a disgrace to the community.” He said they were trying “to usurp the people’s right to vote.”

The truth is that the real disgrace to the community is represented by Rogers and his no-growth, no-solutions cohorts. This initiative should not be on the ballot. It is a cruel hoax to the people of Orange County. It will not help the traffic problem but just make it worse. It will cost more than a billion dollars to implement, and there’s no money for that. The result is more taxes, but no real solutions.


Rogers and his friends offer nothing to the people of this county. They have relied on exploiting people’s frustration and anger over traffic. They have deceived the public with an initiative that will endanger current transportation projects and offer nothing in return.

I am a plaintiff in the lawsuit against the initiative. I’m a resident from the unincorporated south county area who’s not afraid to stand up to the Measure A scam.


Lake Forest
