
The Meaning of Oscar

I have often wondered what really goes through their minds when a star is asked, “What does an Oscar mean to you?”

Although many stories exist about how the term Oscar was coined, none of them implies that its initials stand for anything. I wonder. To me, OSCAR means:

Outstanding Stars Collecting Annual Rewards.

Some suggestions as to what others might think are:

Obviously Shan’t Come And Receive (George C. Scott)

Others Shall Come And Receive (Marlon Brando)

Obnoxious Streaker Causes Actor’s Retort (David Niven)

Overlong Speech Curtails Actors Responses (Greer Garson)

Overblown Styles of Clothes Are Repulsive (Mr. Blackwell)

Older Set Controls Academy Results (Siskel, Ebert & Others)

Original Singer Cut From Audio Rendition (Phil Collins)

Often Selected Choices Aren’t Rewarded (Richard Burton)

Over Selected Categories Are Rejected (Steven Spielberg)


Santa Monica
