
57 Government Troops Killed, Angola Guerrillas Say

Associated Press

Angolan rebels said Saturday that they killed 57 government soldiers and shot down a Cuban-piloted helicopter in three attacks during the past week.

The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola, which is fighting the Angolan government with U.S. and South African backing, said it killed 51 Angolan soldiers last Sunday in the town of Tota in the northern, coffee-growing region of Lunda.

In another attack, UNITA said it shot down the Soviet-built MI-28 helicopter, killing its Cuban crew, close to the southern town of Menongue. In the third attack, the rebels said they killed six soldiers from an army patrol Monday near the town of Luma-Kassai in Lunda province.


The statement gave rebel casualties in the attacks as four killed and seven wounded.
