
HIGH LIFE : Trends: Everything That’s Hot . . . and What’s Not

Do you know what’s popular and what’s not? If you want to keep up with the latest trends, you must be prepared to change your style as quickly as you are your mind.

Here’s a look at some of the responses to this week’s Hot Topic: “What’s ‘in’ and what’s ‘out’ at your high school?”

Bethel Baptist

It is doubtful any school has escaped the acid-washed denim craze. For the girls, straight skirts, scarfs, stiff bangs and fishnet nylons are definitely in, as are curly hair and flat shoes. Fading fast but still considered popular are friendship bracelets and crimped hair. Bleached hair and Topsiders are out. Favorites with the boys are pullover sweaters, the baggy look, Reeboks and Air Nikes. They wouldn’t be caught with spiked hair or wearing corduroy.


--Roxane Dyrud, 15, freshman


“Students realize that smoking causes severe health problems, and it is now considered ‘uncool,’ ” said activity director Ray Dunne, who also said that unlaced Converse high tops are popular.

Said Erica Wolfe, yearbook adviser: “Students are now making positive statements with their clothes, expressing their own personal feelings, and they’re not so worried about current trends or what everybody else is wearing. It’s ‘in’ to be original.”

--Craig Campanero, 16, junior


“I think ‘Felix the Cat,’ ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ and Oakley shades are in,” said Keric Morinaga, 18, senior, “but ‘Garfield,’ ‘Peanuts’ and Ray-Bans are definitely out.”


Said Sarah J. Hawkins, 17, senior: “Judging people by what they wear or how they look is out, but making a commitment and following through with it is in.”

Said Kari Acosta, 17, senior: “Frozen yogurt, ‘60s music and leather jackets are in, and drinking and driving and smoking are definitely out.”

Said Perry Gallagher, 17, senior: “Long hair, Metallica, the beach and partying are the type of things I consider in, but people with new Levi’s jackets with fur inside and lowered trucks are uncool. Also, girls who crimp their hair every week try too hard to be cool.”


--Lynda Kim, 16, junior


The in colors are peach, black, white and all other neutral colors. The out colors are red, orange and green. The Guess, Bongo and Esprit labels are popular, as are Levi’s acid-washed jeans, sheepskin jackets and worn leather aviator jackets.

“It’s not so much a question of what’s in and what’s out,” said Michelle Heslop, 15, freshman. “but if you’re comfortable or not.”

--Trisha Wertner, 15, sophomore

El Toro

Drugs, smoking, drinking and driving drunk are out; good grades are in. “Drug abuse isn’t so common,” junior Janna Cordeirro said, “and it’s nothing to brag about anymore.”

Reebok and L.A. Gear high tops are the latest footwear, according to the underclassmen. Juniors and seniors say high tops are the way to go, but Reeboks are out. Many of the upperclassmen say that blue and red Converse high tops are in, but the yellow and pink ones are out. Madonna, rap music, the Beastie Boys and break dancing are out; Aerosmith, INXS and U2 are in. The Guess and Forenza labels and sweaters are in; fluorescent is out. Long hair is in for girls but out for boys. The ‘60s surfing look is back with tie-dyes. Access and Guess watches are in; Swatch is out. Jean jackets and blond hair are in; makeup abuse, bell bottoms, long skirts, shirts with tails and acid-washed clothes are out.

--Dawn Stone, 14, sophomore


Not long ago, lowered trucks, the Beastie Boys, beat boxes and mousse set the style. Now, unisex long hair, acrylic nails, colored contact lenses, tanning salons and snow boarding are the rage. “And natural people,” junior Tracy Polivka added. “You don’t see people trying to impress others that much anymore.”

--Michele Mitchell, 17, senior


Sports are definitely in as more than half the students participate in athletics. Latest fashions include acid-washed clothing--except skirts and pants because of the school’s dress code. The boys are leaning towards a neater, more coordinated clothing look with shorter hair styles. The girls’ large, gaudy jewelry is being replaced by more delicate gold necklaces, bracelets and earrings.


--Cathy Hills, 16, junior

Los Alamitos

Shoe-wise, patent leather is in; Reeboks are definitely out. Alternative dressing is in; vogue dressing is out. Turtlenecks and jeans or pleated miniskirts are in; long skirts and jean jackets are out. Prince of Wales checks are chic; paisley is passe. Mens wear is in; death-rock drab is out. Soul music from the ‘60s is in; synthesizer music is out. Healthy, nourishing food is in; fast food is out. Casios are in; Rolexes are out. Intellectual-type war movies (“Good Morning Vietnam,” “Hope and Glory”) are in; bloody war films (“Rambo,” “Missing in Action”) are out. Celibacy is in; sex is out. Miller Genuine Draft is in; Corona is out. Credit cards are in; money is out. Traditional jazz is in; new age is out.

--Laurene Harding, 17, senior


Miniskirts, leather, acid-washed denim, long hair on girls, gold jewelry and creepers are in; fluorescent colors, rapping, the Madonna-wanna-be look, bleached hair, labels like Polo and Izod, and bell bottoms are out. While partying is popular, so is sobriety, safe sex and celibacy.

--Monica Neal, 16, junior


A winning basketball team and school spirit are in, as are large groups of friends rather than small cliques. Crazy Bread (don’t forget the sauce) from Little Caesar’s Pizza and full orders of onion rings from Herschel’s are in; cravings for Cool Ranch Doritos have diminished and frozen yogurt consumption has dwindled due to the cold weather. R.E.M. and U2 are in; Michael Jackson is out. Brown leather jackets are in; high tops, especially Converse, are out. Guess clothes are fashionable, along with miniskirts for girls and acid-washed jeans and jackets for guys. Higher education and acceptance at four-year universities are also popular.

--Margaret Suchan, 18, senior


“I think that romanticism is in the air now--it’s neat now when guys start giving flowers at school to the girls,” senior Michele Kearny says. “I also think that individuality is in--people just aren’t part of a group. “They have learned to become an individual, and they’ve learned to have their own style instead of following the trend.”

Junior Kim Rideout says, “Alcohol is still in, but pot is out. Also, ponytails and dressing from the past are in. More people know what they want to do with their lives.”

--Rebecca Leung, 16, junior

Villa Park

“Playing the Ouija board and fake bake (tanning salons) are in,” says Marisa Bavand, 16, junior, “and what’s out is doing things the hard way.”


Says Cathi Loss, 18, senior: “On campus you’re more likely to see someone in Guess jeans and a T-shirt than in high heels and the latest fashions from Paris.”

Says Sonny Brustein, 15, sophomore: “I think guys’ earrings are in and what’s out? I don’t know. . . .”

--Shanne Ho, 17, senior

Voyager Christian

Emphasizing individuality--you can wear and do almost anything within the school rules. It’s perfectly normal to come to school looking like Raggedy Ann or listening to Elvis Presley in the middle of chemistry class. Personality is what counts.

--Michelle Crane, 16, junior

Next Week’s Hot Topic: Should a moment each day be set aside in public schools for those who wish to pray?
