
Soviet General Tells Sweden to Bomb Any Intruding Subs

From Reuters

A Soviet general Sunday invited the Swedish navy to bomb any suspected Soviet submarines intruding in the neutral country’s waters, assuring officers that they would find none.

“Bomb us by all means,” Gen. Nikolai Chervov said in a Swedish television interview. . “We have not been in your waters and are not there now.”

Chervov, head of the disarmament department of the Soviet armed forces general staff, was in Stockholm to attend a seminar on Soviet affairs ahead of Premier Nikolai I. Ryzhkov’s visit to Sweden starting today.


The submarine issue will feature in his talks with Swedish Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson, who last month ordered the navy to sink intruders rather than try to bring them to the surface.

Carlsson’s tough stance followed publication of a naval report that at least 30 unidentified submarines violated Swedish waters in the summer and fall.
