
Finds Owens ‘Scary’

I read the article on Dorman Owens and his Bible Missionary Fellowship (“Extremism, Tactics Set Followers of Rev. Owens Apart,” Jan. 3), and it’s very scary to me because I live in Santee.

I am an anti-abortionist, but I object to what they do to the women who go to have abortions. The Bible Missionary Fellowship also has the wrong idea about AIDS. It isn’t just transmitted by gays. It’s transmitted by everyone who isn’t careful.

What I’m saying is that Owen’s followers are mostly very ignorant people, and this is an opinion coming from someone who believes in God and isn’t a liberal. I wouldn’t call myself a conservative, either, but I’m not wild or anything.


I’m glad that Owens is in jail. What appalls me is that I keep reading these letters in newspapers from people who think that Owens shouldn’t be in jail. They act like he is such a good person.

I don’t like having those fanatics in my town, and Santee isn’t as “countrified” as you might think! I have been many places, and Santee is a lot more “citified” than some of the small towns I’ve been to. I think that Larry Himmel of “San Diego At Large,” has done a pretty good job of making people think that Santee is a cow town.

If Owens and his followers had their way, though, Santee would be countrified. We couldn’t dance at Mulvaney’s, and the Santee Village 8 Theatre would only show G-rated films. They would get rid of all the other churches, especially the Catholic church and the Mormon church. If we had a Jewish synagogue, they’d get rid of that, too.


So, anyway, I hope that the FBI can convict those hateful people and then put them in jail where they belong. Then, Santee will be a better place to live!


