
State Lottery Suggestions

In his letter to The Times, Bob Taylor explained how lottery officials have responded to the playing public’s concerns by altering the prize structure. Perhaps Taylor or some other appropriate lottery official would care to explain why the amount of money the lottery produces for education is nowhere near as large as that loudly trumpeted during the lottery election campaign.

The lottery funds for education have been going down. For example, California State University received $36 million from the lottery in 1986 (which included some funds carried over from the previous year) and is expected to receive only $22.5 million in 1987. Education simply is not getting the munificent funds as promised from the lottery.

When one Lotto 6/49 player can haul in more money ($25.1 million) in one fell swoop than the California State University system is expected to receive in 1987, something is very rotten in the California state lottery.



San Ramon
