
Three High Schools Share Honors In La Jolla Playhouse Competition

Three San Diego high schools were winners at the second annual Young Performers Drama Festival co-sponsored by the La Jolla Playhouse and the UC San Diego drama department over the weekend.

The schools picked up awards of merit, tickets to a preview performance of the La Jolla Playhouse and the UC San Diego theater department, and one scholarship apiece entitling a student to attend the Young Performers Workshop (valued at $450) at the La Jolla Playhouse.

Neil Simon proved a popular choice for two of the three schools: Jay Dysart, Bob Feeney, Laurel Boline, Taj Tedrow and Alissa Hecker of La Jolla High School were noted for their ensemble work in two scenes from “The Good Doctor,” and Paul Pender, Bill Lerner, Thomas Shirley, Michael Lin, Jeff Schwartz and Robert Zingaro of El Camino High School won for “The Odd Couple.”


Arlen Greer, Devin Price, Alli Welke, Kim Loureiro, Heidi Serbesku, Jason Robertson, Adam Stepner, Beth Mix, Bobby Nickel, Rachael Mello-Painter and Neil Hoff, all of Point Loma High School, won with two scenes from A.R. Gurney’s “The Dining Room.”
