
Local News in Brief : Ride-Share Plans Ordered

Without discussion, the Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday to require companies with at least 500 employees to file ride-sharing plans with the city by next May.

The action represented a compromise between Mayor Tom Bradley’s office and Councilman Marvin Braude. Bradley had sought a requirement that ride-sharing plans be developed by companies with 200 or more employees by July 1, while Braude wanted the standard to be 700 employees.

Under the plan, aimed at alleviating traffic congestion and air pollution, about 225 companies within the city limits would have to file plans by May. Implementation of those plans would begin in July.


The council’s action also requires all companies with 200 to 500 employees to develop ride-sharing plans by July 1, 1989.

Failure to develop a ride-sharing plan could result in a $100-a-day fine.

The program is part of an eight-step traffic improvement plan proposed earlier this year by Bradley.
