
Tommy Hawkins Makes It Back on the Fast Track

The article by Ross Newhan on the Dodger reorganization in general, and Tom Hawkins in particular, fails to mention one of Hawkins’ most prominent jobs in sports communication: His very few years as sports newscaster at KNBC.

Hawkins got the job on Channel 4 shortly after retiring from the Lakers and really appeared to be on the fast track until he got bumped by an even faster-tracker, Bryant Gumble.

Newhan omitted this item, while including some very unimpressive jobs Hawkins has been saddled with in his climb back up the success ladder. Hawkins, gentleman that he is, might not have wanted it mentioned because of the unpleasant issues it might raise, such as why he lost the job in the first place. In the communication/entertainment business there is seldom any obvious reason for the choice among well qualified candidates. But I suggest you try listening with your eyes shut, and remember that this happened nearly 20 years ago.


While it is nice for Newhan to feel sorry for Steve Brener, the Dodger publicity director who got passed over, I, for one, believe that the comeback aspect of the Hawkins story is more important, because it serves as an inspiration for any people who may have gotten more than their share of bad breaks.


Los Angeles
