
The Nation : Gov. Mecham Reports Loan of $350,000

Embattled Arizona Gov. Evan Mecham formally reported to the state a $350,000 campaign loan and said in a televised address on station KTVK in Phoenix that his failure to itemize it earlier was an “honest mistake.” Meanwhile, a state grand jury resumed hearing testimony in its probe of the loan, whether it was reported to the secretary of state and whether any gubernatorial appointments were tied to the loan. State law requires reporting to the secretary of state all campaign donations or loans of $25 or more. On the new statements, Mecham listed a $350,000 loan from Tempe developer Barry Wolfson and 14 people who signed promissory notes backing the loan. His previous statement listed a lump sum of $465,000 contributed to the campaign by Mecham himself but did not state that $350,000 of it was a loan from Wolfson.
