
Kasparov and Karpov Draw in Chess Game

Associated Press

The 14th game of the world chess championship between titleholder Gary Kasparov and challenger Anatoly Karpov ended in a draw Monday after only 21 moves.

Kasparov leads with 7 1/2 points to Karpov’s 6 1/2. Kasparov has won three games and lost two, and there have been nine draws.

A total of 12 1/2 points or six victories are needed for victory in the 24-game series, but in the event of a 12-12 tie Kasparov will retain his title. A win scores one point and a draw a half.


The 15th game is scheduled for Wednesday with Karpov playing white. Here are Monday’s moves:

Kasparov-Karpov 14: 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 Nd2 dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nd7 5 Nf3 Ngf6 6 Nxf6 ch Nxf6 7 c3g4 8 h3 Bxf3 9 Qxf3 Qd5 10 Be2 e6 11 0-0 Bd6 12 Qd3 Bc7 13 Bf3 Qd7 14 Rd1 0-0 15 c4 Rad8 16 Qb3 Qe7 17 g3 Bb8 18 Be3 Rd7 19 Rd2 Rfd8 20 Rad1 h6 21 a3. Draw agreed.
