
San Diego

The district attorney’s office has issued a report concluding that two San Diego police officers were “legally justified in using deadly force” in the death last July of Rogelio Delgado Munguia.

Manguia, a 40-year-old resident of Southeast San Diego, was shot and killed by Officers Sylvester Wade Jr. and Sean E. Stoner during a family dispute as he lunged toward Wade with a pair of 7-inch scissors.

Maria Munguia called police to a residence in the 400 block of Carlos Street home after her husband, who had recently lost his job, threatened her and their three daughters.


According to the report, events unfolded as follows:

The officers entered the home and saw Rogelio Manguia wielding the scissors. Maria Manguia and the daughters were in a bedroom in which the center panel of the closed door had been broken out by Rogelio Manguia. The officers reported that they could see the females and could hear them screaming. The officers repeatedly ordered Rogelio Munguia to drop the scissors.

In an attempt to disarm him, the officers used Mace, but he wiped his face with his sleeve and was unaffected by it. The report states that Manguia then lunged at Wade with the scissors. Wade fired two shots and Stoner fired once, striking Manguia twice in the upper chest.

Officers said they believed him to be under the influence at the time of the dispute. Toxicological tests conducted by the coroner’s office revealed that Manguia had PCP in his system.


The report said the officers committed “justifiable homicide” because they acted under the belief that “such use of deadly force was necessary to save another person from death or great bodily injury.”
