
Public Comment

The Times is to be commended for its report revealing the Los Angeles County Supervisors’ deplorable action (Metro, Oct. 7) restricting public comment at board meetings in the name of controlling the “gadfly” nuisance.

It was duly noted the supervisors’ action goes a lot further than restricting “gadflies” and it will substantially limit public debate on issues.

These elected officials should be reminded to look over their left shoulder in the board room at the marble inscription above their heads where the Abraham Lincoln quote reads, “Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.”


Although I have only attended a couple of recent board meetings, I was appalled at how few people participated even though there were major issues on the agenda.

I hope there will be a backlash and citizens will start attending the supervisors’ meetings just to find out what it is they don’t want to talk about publicly.


Santa Monica
