
Shot Fired at Officer on Freeway; Rocks Smash Windshields

A shot was fired at a Claremont policeman on the San Bernardino Freeway early this morning, and the windshields of 10 vehicles, including a California Highway Patrol car, were smashed by rocks on the Golden State Freeway in the San Fernando Valley in the latest violence on Southern California highways.

Claremont Police Officer Dennis McClain was fired upon about 8:30 a.m. on the westbound San Bernardino Freeway at Indian Hill Boulevard as he was preparing to write a traffic ticket, Cmdr. Doug Allen said.

A passenger in a green 1970s Volkswagen Bug leaned out the window and fired one shot from a pistol, Allen said. The bullet missed McClain and the stopped driver. The two Latin-appearing men driving the Volkswagen were not apprehended, police said.


Earlier, a three-mile stretch of the Golden State Freeway near Sun Valley was closed about 5 a.m. for 40 minutes as police looked for suspects in the rock-throwing incident, but none were immediately found.
