
Fountain Valley : Actor Will Promote Senior Service Program

Veteran Hollywood actor Leon Ames, a resident of Corona del Mar, has agreed to be spokesman for a new training program for teacher aides at Coastline Community College. The Fountain Valley-based college said the new program is aimed at retirees and other seniors 55 or older.

In a taped TV promotional announcement, Ames will urge Orange County senior citizens to take part in the “Seniors Serving Society” program. Coastline Community College, which started the new program, offers training for the senior citizens so that they can be teacher aides in public schools.

Training at Coastline begins Aug. 12, about a month before other community college courses open. A college official said the early start “will allow students to complete the training in time to interview for positions with local school districts, which typically fill teacher aide vacancies in grades kindergarten through eighth grade in early September.”


Coastline’s training classes will meet for three weeks on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon at 2990 Mesa Verde Drive in Costa Mesa.

Ames, who is still active in motion pictures, says in the TV spot that people 55 and older have much to offer schools. “The ‘Senior Serving Society’ program at Coastline provides new outlets for retirees to experience the satisfaction of making substantial contributions to others,” he said.

Applications for the program are being accepted, with information available by calling the Fountain Valley headquarters of the college, (714) 241-6176.
