
Georgia O’Keeffe Estate Settled

District Court Judge Patricio Serna in a court hearing here on Saturday approved a final settlement in the contested estate of the late artist Georgia O’Keeffe, who died March 6, 1986, at the age of 98.

The settlement calls for the establishment of the Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation in Abiquiu, the village where she lived and painted her trademark landscapes.

About $38 million worth of O’Keefe artworks and photographs taken by the artist’s late husband, Alfred Stieglitz, will be distributed by the foundation.


Sitting on the board will be Juan Hamilton, a 41-year-old sculptor and O’Keeffe’s longtime companion; June O’Keeffe Sebring, a niece; and a representative of Catherine Klenert, O’Keeffe’s sister.

The settlement gives Sebring and the Klenert family art and money not to exceed $1 million.

Hamilton receives at least 24 works of art, a photograph by Stieglitz, the Ghost Ranch and writings and papers of O’Keeffe.


Artwork by other, unidentified artists and some of O’Keeffe’s personal property also will go to Hamilton, who refused to disclose the value of what he receives.

The settlement admits to probate O’Keeffe’s 1979 will and a 1983 codicil, but denies a controversial 1984 codicil, which shifted about 60% of the estate to Hamilton.
