
‘Rethinking Education’

UC Irvine welcomes your recent editorial, “Rethinking Higher Education,” urging a partnership between California’s community colleges and public universities. You and your readers will want to know that UCI and regional community colleges are pursuing that partnership.

Faculty from UCI and from the community colleges are cooperating in a series of Faculty Forums designed to dovetail the curricula at the two- and four-year campuses more effectively so that students can transfer with ease. Honors programs focusing on eventual transfer are growing rapidly in the community colleges in our area.

UCI also is “putting our money where our mouth is” in our support of the community college transfer programs. The campus purposely closed early to freshman applications for fall, 1987, enrollment, allowing us to continue to accept applications from transfer students. Even now we still are open to transfer student applications for fall, and we will admit all applicants who meet general University of California transfer requirements.


Interested students may call UCI’s Office of Transfer Student Services (714) 856-7821 for detailed information and for assistance in transferring.


Assistant Vice Chancellor,

Academic Affairs

UC Irvine
