
Gary K. Judis Elected Head of Loan Unit

Gary K. Judis, chairman of Aames Home Loan, Los Angeles, has been elected president of the California Independent Mortgage Brokers Assn.

Other new officers are: Ronald R. Bieber, Spartan Home Loans, Sacramento, legislative chairman; William R. Henson, Superior Home Loan, Hayward, first vice president, northern region; Herbert Siegel, Bonded Home Loan, Los Angeles, first vice president, southern region, and John A. Williamson II, California Plan, San Jose, second vice president, northern region.

Also: Charles Hershson, Fidelity Home Loan, Los Angeles, second vice president, southern region; Leonard R. Simon, South Bay Mortgage, Lawndale, treasurer; Allan B. Polin, Aames Home Loan, Los Angeles, secretary; and directors Aida O’Connor, Hanford Home Loans, Lancaster, and Richard W. Steiler, Standard Mortgage Co., San Bernardino.
