
New, Fancy Arenas Are Sometimes Lacking

Why is it that Messrs. Murray, Ostler and Downey must begin a story regarding Eastern teams as playing in buildings slightly below slum conditions. I have seen Wrigley Field called a “rotting hunk of timber & cement” and Boston Garden called a “creaky tinderbox” and “rat-infested mausoleum.”

Just because these guys have to climb the steps, and work by incandescent bulbs instead of neon, have they the right to malign what are to millions annexes to their backyards?

I guess I should be thankful to have it so good here: The fabled tradition of the Forum, history-steeped Big A, the time-honored, legendary Sports Arena.


I can’t wait for the day I can take my children to these Meccas and say: “Here’s where I saw Chuck Nevitt score five points; I saw Urbano Lugo throw a 14-hitter here; my son, Benoit Benjamin once put in eight minutes on these planks.”


Seal Beach
