
Mets’ Fans Could Show Dodger Fans How . . .

As a Met fan living in Los Angeles, I enjoyed the recent three-game series between the Mets and the Dodgers. At the three games, I sat in different locations at Dodger Stadium from which vantage points I was able to observe the differences between Met fans and Dodger fans.

Met fans come to the ball game to scream and yell while appreciating all the strategies of the game.

Dodger fans come to the ball game to eat for all nine innings, and while their heads are buried in burritos or enchiladas, they miss most of the game.


Met fans always encourage their team with a standard cheer of “Let’s go, Mets!” whenever a rally materializes.

Dodger fans, in their own typical California, laid-back style, have no special cheers for their team other than that stupid cavalry cry of “charge.” At this recent series, they did manage a “Go home, Mets” in mild and subdued tones.

I must confess that the Dodgers have a decent team, but most of the time they display as much hustle and holler as a team of slumbering zombies. The only exception that I can see is Mickey Hatcher, a true hustler whose happy and aggressive style should become contagious.



Studio City
