
The Controversy Over Pit Bulls

I feel compelled to offer an opinion on the subject of pit bull dogs.

As an owner for over 10 years of both a Staffordshire and American pit bull and father of infant children, I am convinced that the owners, not the dogs, are to blame for the horrible maulings and extremely prejudiced reputation that these dogs have acquired.

I am especially disappointed that the Times has taken the attitude that an entire breed of animal is “dangerous.”

These dogs are, by nature, aggressive and strong. Other breeds such as Dobermans and German shepherds share similar traits. Some people are drawn to these types of dogs. And some people mistreat, abuse and raise their dogs for purposes other than the family pet. Any animal can be a vicious guard dog or a loving family pet, depending on how it is raised.


I agree with state Sen. David Roberti (D-Los Angeles) in punishing the owners who encourage dog fighting. I agree with the Los Angeles City Council that dangerous dogs should be impounded. I agree that owners of dangerous dogs be held responsible. But I do not agree that all pit bulls are by nature, bad. It is the owners who have raised them to be that way.


Los Angeles
