
Repairs on Stark to Begin Next Week

Associated Press

Repair work to make the guided-missile frigate Stark seaworthy for the voyage home will begin next week, the U.S. military said Thursday.

Lt. Col. C. Manicer of the U.S. Central Command said the repair destroyer Acadia has been summoned to Bahrain from the western Pacific to help with the work and is expected to arrive Monday.

The Stark was towed to an anchorage three miles off this Persian Gulf island nation two days after the May 17 attack by an Iraqi jet that killed 37 American sailors. Manicer said it will be brought to a pier belonging to Bahrain’s Arab Iron & Steel Co., where the Acadia will dock.


He said repairs “intended to make the Stark seaworthy” will take a month.

Current plans call for the Stark to arrive at Mayport, Fla., on Aug. 5, he said.
