
Badham’s Vote on Two Issues

The Roll Call column that The Times regularly publishes is certainly a valuable service to the voters of Orange County. It provides a clear and concise way to see how the local congressmen voted on controversial issues.

However, in a recent column, I was listed as not voting on two issues that I feel very strongly about. In fact, during the voting on these issues on April 30, I was temporarily forced to leave the House floor because of a minor medical problem. When I returned a few minutes after the vote ended, I entered the way I would have voted for the record.

On the Republican substitute to the trade bill, I would have voted yes. On the highly protectionist trade bill itself, I would have voted no. Both of these votes were decided by large margins, so my vote was not critical. On the potentially disastrous Gephardt Amendment, which passed 218-214, I was on the floor and I voted no.



Member of Congress

40th District
