

. . . Max Stollman, pharmacist/reporter for KNBC News, ventured recently about a well-known aspirin for children: “I believe it’s being recalled.” Believe ?

. . . After showing a clip of Burt Reynolds (with lotsa tousled dark hair) blowing away the bad guys in a scene from “Malone,” the “Today” show’s hirsute Gene Shalit quipped, “There are plenty more varmints where that one came from--but not many more wigs where that one came from.” Beat us to the quip.

. . . KNBC’s Fred Roggin promised his Sunday sports show audience, “We’re coming back right after the scores with a brand new Hall of Shame.” Shame on you, Fred! You should have said, “Right after the scores--and three commercial interruptions .”

. . . That new magazine ad with LeRoy Neiman reproducing his paintings on a Sharp’s business copier needs no comment.

. . . Daily Variety’s Army Archerd--just named Man of the Year by the Hollywood Women’s Press Club (the dinner’s June 17)--is still calling them SHARE “girls.”


. . . We’re accustomed to ESPN replaying sportscasts to fill air time--but a sportswriter’s predictions on an NBA playoff game nine hours after it was over?
