
Rustic Canyon : Court Order on Right of Way

Rustic Canyon homeowners have obtained a court order prohibiting their neighbor, film producer Steven Tisch, from landscaping or construction that would affect a 25-foot-wide right of way through Tisch’s property.

The right of way, which provides pedestrian access to Sunset Boulevard from residences on Latimer Road, has been the subject of litigation for five years. In 1982, Tisch obtained a court order prohibiting residents from using the path through his property until legal issues could be settled in a trial.

The Homeowners Assn. of Rustic Canyon and the Uplifters Improvement Assn. on Monday filed a countersuit against Tisch seeking public access to the right of way, according to Peggy Garrity, attorney for the two residents’ groups.


At a hearing in Los Angeles Superior Court, Judge Warren Deering granted an injunction barring Tisch from landscaping or building within five feet of the right of way, Garrity said.

The trial is scheduled to begin Sept. 10 in Los Angeles Superior Court.
