
Steidel Seated as President of Builders Group

Mike Steidel of Merit Construction, Whittier, has been installed as 1987 president of the Southern California chapter of the System Builders Assn. The national association is based in West Milton, Ohio, and has 700 members.

Other new officers are Bud Scroggs of Shook Building Systems, Ontario, president-elect; Judy Hollern of D.V. Troyer Co., Cerritos, secretary; Curt Kastner of R & S Sales Co., Downey, treasurer; Herb Child of Beta Pacific Inc., Marina del Rey, builder at larger; Bill Cantrell of Cantrell Steel, Ontario, erector at large; Roger Brown of Owens-Corning Fiberglas, Commerce, associate, and Gene Scism of Capitol Building Systems, Alta Loma, manufacturers representative.

This year’s scholarship winners, the fifth year the chapter has made such presentations, are: Lou Ellen Benjamins, Dan Dascamio, Mike Williamson and Tom Jenkens.
