
Lynwood : Transit Center Plans OKd

The City Council has approved preliminary plans for the construction of a $1.6-million community and transit center. Most of the money will come from Proposition A funds, the half-cent county sales tax for transit projects.

In a 3-2 vote, the council approved rehabilitation of the city’s Community Center at Bullis Road and Century Boulevard.

Part of the building will be converted into a transit station, which would serve the city’s two-car trolley line and Southern California Rapid Transit District buses.


The project must be approved by the county Transportation Commission, which distributes funds among cities and county areas according to a formula based on population.

Mayor Paul Richards, Councilman John Byork and Councilman E. L. Morris voted for the project. Councilwoman Evelyn Wells and Councilman Robert Henning voted against it.
