
AIDS and Dating

Concerning “AIDS Launches Sexual Counterrevolution,” I was glad to see that Stein debunked the myth that it’s safe to have sex with married people to avoid AIDS. But when in passing she mentioned the new dating services or clubs for those who have tested negative for exposure to the AIDS virus, she failed to mention that a single negative test doesn’t mean that the individual has not been exposed. The Red Cross has stated that if the virus has not incubated in sufficient numbers it will not show up in a test. Therefore sexually active persons could have been exposed in the days before the test and think they are safe.

And who would be most interested in joining such a “club”? Mainly those who are sexually active or seek to be, meaning those with a greater risk of becoming exposed. This is not to mention the distinct possibility that people will join to get an ID card solely to increase their chances of having sex with skeptical partners without safe sexual practices or even knowing if the potential partner has been exposed.

Joining such a dating service might decrease the risk of exposure to the AIDS virus for the sexually active person but it is no guarantee.



Panorama City
