

The “chivalry is dead” issue (Letters, April 11) was pretty pitiful.

If the letter writers really believe that chivalry is dead--and they must, since they responded the way they did--why can’t then at least be honest about their reasons? Since chivalry is mostly common courtesy, why don’t they admit that they just don’t want to be bothered? Instead we get these lame excuses of women’s lib, “women dumping their kids off in day care centers,” and “women taking men’s jobs” as the reasons. Why do some people insist on blaming everything but themselves for their own hostilities?

On a daily basis I run into men and women who are still courteous and gracious, so not everyone shares the sentiments of the letter writers--fortunately.

Additionally, there seems to be an assumption that all working women, mothers or not, are doing so just because we want to “dump the kids off in day care centers” or “take away men’s jobs.” Has it ever occurred to these people that some women have to work to support their families? Maybe they are divorced or widowed, or any number of reasons one needs an income. Whatever the reason, I don’t think it merits all the finger wagging that went on in the letters.


I’m less concerned about chivalry being dead than about the lack of sympathy some people seem to have toward other people.


