

I read what I consider two obscene items on Page 1 on April 18: “Iacocca Paid $20 Million by Chrysler in ‘86” and “Patenting of Invented Animals OKd.” Obscene because it’s appalling to think there are individuals, whatever their levels of competence in their chosen fields, are rewarded with incredible sums of money while millions of their fellow human beings are homeless, hungry, unemployed and destitute.

Obscene as well is the policy that allows “ . . . invented animals . . . which would introduce cows that produce more milk” when our government pays billions of tax dollars to subsidize dairy farmers and expends even more to rent huge storehouses for holding the surplus of dairy products presently produced.

If anyone can tell me why one man needs $20,577,491 a year and why we need “invented” animals to supply more of what we now have a costly surplus of already, I am willing to lend an ear, but I warn you it better be good.



Santa Monica
