
Times Ballot Recommendations

Primary Nominating and Consolidated Elections, April 14, 1987 The Candidates Los Angeles City Council

2nd District--Joel Wachs

4th District--John Ferraro

6th District--Pat Russell

8th District--Robert Farrell

10th District--Kenneth M. Orduna

12th District--Hal Bernson

14th District--Richard Alatorre Los Angeles Board of Education

1st District--Rita D. Walters

3rd District--Jackie Goldberg

4th District--Douglas J. Wolf

5th District--Leticia Quezada

7th District--Warren Furutani Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees

Office 1--Wallace “Wally” Knox

Office 3--Marguerite Archie Hudson

Office 5--Harold W. Garvin

Office 7--David Lopez-Lee
