
Three Cheers for Dredging

Regarding the story “Dredging Drudgery” (Times, March 26), I feel compelled to write.

I am a boat owner with a slip in Marina del Rey who is grateful that the Army Corps of Engineers is finally dredging the main channel. Since 1981 we’re been hoping that this day would come. It has become increasingly difficult to navigate around the sand bars in crowded conditions. I submit that there are probably many more grateful boat owners than homeowners who are temporarily inconvenienced by the work in progress. It is a small sacrifice the residents in Playa del Rey have to make for the safety of the majority.

Let’s let them finish the job in peace. It was an effort to get the job started; now, there is resistance to let them finish. Those handling the project are probably throwing up their collective hands and saying, “What do you guys want?”


Los Angeles
