
Appointment of New Supervisor

I have supported Gov. George Deukmejian throughout most of his political career. Recently though, the governor surprised most of his supporters in Orange County by selecting his appointments secretary to fill the vacant seat on the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

The appointment of Gaddi H. Vasquez was a shock, especially considering that he ran fourth in a field of five during the 1984 Orange mayoral race and has never won any elected position.

He therefore could hardly be considered to be the “people’s choice” for any public office, especially one as highly regarded as county supervisor of the 3rd District, which includes the city of Orange.


The sense of betrayal was doubled by the method of selection. The Orange County Lincoln Club was preparing a list of well-qualified applicants for the governor’s consideration as prospective candidates for the office, and we expected that he would, in fact, consider these individuals before making his choice. Wrong!

Sorry, Duke, you blew this one.


