
Reagan’s Speech on Iran-Contra Issue

The President has now made his long awaited speech supposedly admitting it was a mistake to “trade” arms for hostages. This is our cue, as his loyal subjects, to say, “Whew, we’re glad its all over.” I know this is what the Administration is hoping for. But it just isn’t that simple.

What we got from Reagan, as usual, was more double talk. He said, “A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. . . . My heart and my best intentions tell me this is true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not . . .”

You did not “trade” arms for hostages, Mr. Reagan, you and your chosen officials sold arms for hostages and then funneled the money away, somehow, to support your war in Nicaragua. But I must not get hung up on semantics here.


What I hear from this brief statement is that in his heart and with his best intentions he still doesn’t believe he sold arms for hostages, therefore, he still doesn’t believe he made a mistake.

What I hear is that if it weren’t for the exposure of facts and evidence, Reagan would not be considering the possibility of error now.

What I’m afraid I’m hearing, too loudly and too clearly, is that Reagan believes the only mistake made was in getting caught.



Pacific Palisades
