
Beverly Hills Smoking Law

Congratulations to the members of the Beverly Hills City Council! Your courage will go down in the history books. It is indeed nice to know that there really are some people out there with the courage to step forward in the name of public health and ban cigarette, cigar, etc. smoking in restaurants in Beverly Hills.

I hope the Los Angeles City Council will follow your example and pass their now pending ban on smoking in public closed areas all together, or at the very least, in restaurants.

Since the U.S. surgeon general has determined that “second-hand smoke” is a health hazard and can kill, it is indeed refreshing to see someone stand up and be counted and be concerned about the public’s health, since unfortunately, selfish smokers abound these days. You’d think they would care that not only are they killing themselves, but also those around them. But, alas, most of them, especially those so-called “bigwig” management types, who in spite of all the warnings, continue to be selfish, rude and inconsiderate to fellow employees and nonsmokers. Some even go out of their way to make nonsmokers uncomfortable. I sure, ashes to ashes, they will indeed quit smoking sooner or later.



Los Angeles
