
Players Don’t Get Around Much Anymore

Kathleen Tobin of Sierra Madre and Helen Keating of Los Angeles are marching to the same drummer--they have been looking for 78 rpm record players. Can you help before the music stops for them, or will their search take a total shellacking until they realize that the beat will have to go on--but perhaps a bit slower?

Sylvia Fischler of Los Angeles is in the market for salt-free cottage cheese , but she can’t find it in any of the markets. Can you help find a source worth its salt, or will Fischler have to start her own cottage industry before she can smilingly say “cheese” again?

Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Nancy at (213) 597-6328 is looking for the old-type, heavy, soup-bowl-size Pyrex bowls in white. Please make sure that Nancy gets bowled over instead of being in the soup. . . . Now that we have had requests for the rules for playing Anagrams, Anne at (213) 933-6464 would like an actual Anagram game. Please help her join the A-Team. . . . Three readers are looking for out-of-print books: Ben at (213) 820-5412 wants “Mary Ellen’s Books of Helpful Hints”; Janice at (213) 737-2370 would like to keep the pot boiling with “Time-Life Foods of the World--Pacific and Southeast Asian Cooking , and Jane at (818) 351-8703 is on the lookout for “The Boy Who Could Make Himself Disappear.” Please see to it that our readers get hold of these books before they are all red.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items and for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.


Nikie Williams of Manhattan Beach, who was looking for a battery-driven toothbrush (for traveling in out-of-the-way places), now has a few sources to cut her eyeteeth on. Jean Phillips of Santa Ana writes that Hartman’s sells a cordless, rechargeable Teledyne Water Pik automatic toothbrush for $19.99. But if this is not what Williams wants to sink her teeth into, we also heard from two readers who are willing to part with battery-driven brushes--brand new and never used, obviously. This should give you something to chew on before you send us a stamped, self-enclosed envelope for names and addresses.

We still don’t have any local sources for Sue Guilford of Orange, who was looking for a lightweight plastic sun visor. Vera Gillespie saw something called a Sun Off shade in Mill Valley, but that item is used only on automobiles; what Guilford had in mind is worn around the head.

Fay Reese of Canoga Park, who was looking for shrugs or shoulderettes, need not feel that her request is being shrugged off simply because we have no local retail outlets, even though several readers said they either have--or would knit--the garments for her (we have forwarded the names to Reese); so far, all we have is mail-order sources. According to Lois Jenks of Los Angeles, cotton shrugs are available from Comfortably Yours, 52 W. Hunter Ave., Maywood, N.J. 07607, and shrugs in washable wool can be had from Norm Thomson, P.O. Box 3999, Portland, Ore. 97208. And Virginia Hofferd of Long Beach and Jeannette Naglestad of Seal Beach report that Old Pueblo Traders, Palo Verde at 33, P.O. Box 27800, Tucson, Ariz. 85726-7800, has an acrylic bolero sweater for $17.99.
