
Claremont : Drug Program for Couple

A Claremont couple who were charged with posssession of marijuana last December after their 10-year-old son turned them in to police have been ordered to enter a drug diversion program.

Pomona Municipal Judge Robert C. Gustaveson said he would dismiss criminal charges against Melinda Duran, 31, the mother, and Joseph David Duran, 34, the boy’s stepfather, if they successfully completed the program within six months.

The couple were arrested after their son, Michael Hilchey, called police and reported that his mother and stepfather regularly used marijuana.


The fourth-grader, who had been visiting his father, David Hilchey, in Harbor City, said he decided to make the call after viewing a videotape of Geraldo Rivera’s television special, “American Vice: The Doping of a Nation.”
