
‘Bizarre Use of the Law’

Your editorial criticism of the perversion of the pandering law by law enforcement and the judiciary to convict movie maker Harold Freeman should be endorsed by all reasonable people. Unfortunately, The Times ignored the larger issue here; the abusive pandering law itself. This law, from our Puritan heritage, has merely created a victimless crime, and an outrageous assault against individual civil liberties. Enforcement of pandering laws oppresses rather than protects society, is a waste of law enforcement and judicial time, and an enormous waste of tax money.

Prostitution predates our American democracy and will undoubtably continue after our democracy has been legislated away under the guise of security and morality. The Declaration of Independence states that all men are endowed with unalienable rights, including “the pursuit of happiness.” Does anyone really believe that sexual activities should not be included in the pursuit of happiness?


Sherman Oaks
