
Demonstrations in China

In regard to the month-long student demonstrations in Shanghai, Peking and many other Chinese cities, as well as your editorial (Dec. 31), “Pangs of Democracy,” I have just a couple of comments to make.

First of all, speaking as a Chinese immigrant and an American citizen, I feel that these student protests in China mark the symbol of the universal dream of democracy. For a country long dominated by an authoritarian form of dictatorship, it is indeed inspiring to know that repression can never really stamp out the human desire to be free, to choose freely, and to express one’s point of view without reprisal.

Despite the Chinese authorities’ threat to punish the demonstrators with imprisonment, the students continue to chant their hymn of freedom through peaceful assembly, which incidentally I see as perfectly legitimate. Furthermore, it shows that China is not destined to doom because its young people, the leaders of tomorrow, have at last witnessed with their own eyes the golden road to democracy and a better future.


For myself, I can only say I am thankful to be part of America, a country not only of individual opportunities, but one whose foundation bestow such sacred rights as freedom of press, freedom of speech, and perhaps most important, freedom of mind and spirit.

These are the things these Chinese students were seeking and striving for despite the many obstacles that confronted them. At any rate, I have confidence that the students’ dream can be realized if they are willing to fight to the very end for their conviction; I wish them the best of luck.


San Marino
